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Updated: Jul 25, 2022

Disclaimer: this review is written with unsolicited emotion.

Jill Scott, Angie Stone, Solange, Alicia Keys and even Ms Lauryn Hill - I felt all of these amazing musicians when I heard the first song One Love.

British singer, songwriter and songstress Cleo Sol in 2018 graced us with her ‘Winter Songs’ – EP short and sweet’ but full of life lessons and growth. Filled with the essence of self-love and introspection Cleo Sol left a strong presence and definitely filled a space in our playlists.

Fast forwarding to 2020. Cleo, Cleo, Cleo, she’s gold that we must treasure whether you know it or not. 27th March 2020, Cleo released her album ‘Rose in the Dark’; each song promoting feeling, a journey and crisp melodies followed by backing vocals to soothe the soul.

Cleo continues to highlight real life issues, problems, troubles that society, individuals, and couples face - particularly in the album title and track Rose in the Dark, which speaks of new strength and advice to her younger self.

Track 6 When I’m in your arms - orchestral satisfaction, head bopping! Have you ever listened to a track and your face physically mirrors exactly how you feel because the song is all too much ‘in the right way’. Cleo Sol gives us velvet crushed, seductive, silky tones, which have definitely left an imprint.

Rose In the Dark has a cleansing familiarity to sitting down with a best friend or lover commiserating. The 11 song collection goes from smooth playful whispering sounds to deep reminiscent low notes feeling like they came straight from the chest.

The only way is up from here, Cleo Sol is what she was 2 years ago in ‘Winter Songs’ and much more now, in ‘Rose In the Dark’. Unconfined soul sounds, poetic justice in song - I’m just waiting on the tour date.

We thank you Cleo Sol.


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